Star Wars

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Blue Print Cufflinks

You know the Millennium Falcon. It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. Be a…

Limited Edition Kinect Star Wars Xbox 360 Bundle

Released in April 2012, Star Wars teamed up with Xbox to bring you the Limited Edition Kinect Star Wars Xbox…

R2-D2 BBQ Drum Smoker Grill

What’s a summertime barbeque without our favorite R2 unit? This one-of-a-kind R2-D2 BBQ Drum Smoker Grill was designed by Philip…

LEGO Star Wars B-Wing Starfighter

If you're a Star Wars and LEGO fan, you probably already have the collectible LEGO Death Star, LEGO Super Star…

Star Wars Anakin Lightsaber Lamp

Lamps are a necessity for nighttime activities unless you have a Real Laser Powered Lightsaber to light the way...Hopefully you…

Star Wars Pewter LEGO Minifigures

If you're a Star Wars LEGO minifigure fan, you'll appreciate the collectible Star Wars Pewter LEGO Minifigures. Made from pewter…

Star Wars Remote Control R2-D2 Whizz Watch

The Star Wars Remote Control R2-D2 Whizz Watch is a fun way to kill some time while in between classes…

Star Wars Poster Coffee Mug

You can never have too many cool coffee mugs, especially if you're stuck living in an area as cold as…

Star Wars R2-D2 Phone

R2-D2 can do many things. He can pump out a hologram, fly with rockets, access imperial data by plugging into…

Star Wars Family Car Decals

The next time you take the family on a road trip, let others know that this is a car  full…

Star Wars Luke and the Beasts T-Shirt

GeekAlerts has shown you some pretty cool Star Wars Mash-ups in the past and this graphic design by James Hance…

Star Wars 4-Piece Drinking Glasses Set

When your thirst craves some serious quenching, grab a glass from the Star Wars 16-Ounce 4-Piece Glass Set and fill…

Inflatable Jabba the Hutt Costume

Sometimes you feel like a hutt, sometimes you don't. For times that you do feel like a hutt, you'll want…

Handmade R2-D2 iPhone 4 4S Case

For my money, R2-D2 is one of the coolest characters from the original Star Wars trilogy. If you agree and…

Star Wars Spy Gear Voice Changer

Sadly we don't all sound like Darth Vader, so some of us need help changing our voice. This Star Wars…

Pop Culture Themed Shopping Bags

Plastic bags are flimsy, bad for the environment and usually are only good for cluttering your cabinets. The Pop Culture…

Star Wars Boba Fett Slave I Vehicle Bank

Boba Fett is a darn good bounty hunter. Therefore he makes a ton of money. But where does he put…

Star Wars Bounty Hunter Boba Fett Inspired Hat

GeekAlerts loves unique hats, and we've shown you some really awesome ones like the Optimus Prime Transformer Hat, Nintendo Super…

LaserSaber – Real Laser Powered Lightsabers

I think it is safe to say that all of us dreamed of being a Jedi or Sith Lord at…

Star Wars Death Star Ice Tray

If you already have the X-Wing Ice Tray, then you need a Star Wars Death Star Ice Tray to fly…