Star Wars Luke and the Beasts T-Shirt

GeekAlerts has shown you some pretty cool Star Wars Mash-ups in the past and this graphic design by James Hance is another cool one. Available at Redbubble, you can purchase the Star Wars Luke and the Beasts T-Shirt in a variety of styles, colors and sizes.

The artist named his work ’till Luke said ‘BE STILL!’ and tamed them with the old mind trick’ and you can see all your favorite Star Wars beasts like the Wampa, Rancor, Dewback and Bantha being tamed by a young Luke Skywalker reminiscent of a scene from Where the Wild things Are.

If you need to add to your geeky t-shirt collection, purchase the Star Wars Luke and the Beasts T-Shirt at from $22.44.

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