Rubiks Cube

Rubik’s Cube Adult Hat

Can you solve a Rubik's Cube in one minute? Well, if you think that you are a real Cube-head, why…

Rubik’s Cube Money Box

I knew this guy in college who could take any scrambled up Rubik's cube and solve it in a matter…

Rubik’s Cube Desk Tidy

When I get to work every Monday, I face my dull desk with random office stuff and supplies strewn about…

Rubik’s Junior Game

If Junior wants to get into the gaming scene, then by all means let him. If anyone you know is…

Rubik’s Cube Speaker

If you love giving your Rubik's Cube a spin once in a while to check if you can still hold…

Rubik’s Mirror Blocks Cube

Fans of Rubik's Cube and puzzle people alike will love this Rubik's Mirror Blocks Cube.  The idea is the same…

Rubik’s Cube Notepad

The Rubik's cube took me a lot of weeks to master and solve. My friends and I are huge fans…

Rubik’s Cube Salt and Pepper Mills

We've probably covered enough Rubik's Cube kitchen gadgets to fill your entire kitchen. Here's something to go along with your…

Rubik’s Cube Mug

Here's something to display on those awesome Rubik's Cube Coasters for the Rubik's Cube fan who has everything. This Rubik's…

Scruble Cube is a Rubik’s Cube with Scrabble

Last week we covered some Rubik's Cube Coasters for the home. What do you get when you combine Scrabble with…

Rubik’s Cube Coasters

If you're a fan of Rubik's Cube and are looking for some geeky coasters to spice up your home, then…

80s Stressballs: Pacman, Space Invader, Rubiks Cube

For some retro fun, pick up these 80's Stressballs is the style of a Pac-man Ghost, a Space Invader, or…

Sudoku Rubik’s Cube

If you're bored with your Rubik's Cube you can combine it with the challenge of Sudoku with the Sudoku Puzzle…

Rubik’s Cube Plush Toy

There are variations on the Rubik's Cube that make it more challenging, such as Rubik's Revenge Cube 4 X 4,…

Rubik’s Cube Subwoofer from Elac

Just like the Teddy Bear USB Drive, it now looks as if the cool DIY Rubik's Cube Subwoofer idea from…

Rubik’s Cube Hassock

Since the Pac-Man Chair is only a prototype so far, this colorful Rubik's cube hassock will be a great alternative…

Rubik’s Cube Cake

Dream Country shows you how to make your own Rubik's Cube cake. (Via Makezine)