
Gnarly Teeth Fake Dentures

Here are some awesome fake dentures that will make you look like a dweeb, a vampire, an old man, a…

World’s Largest Underpants

I don't know who it was that invented underpants, but I'm sure glad he or she or they did. I…

Giant Microbes Halloween Set

Owning plush toys that are actually stuffed representations of microbes doesn't sound very appealing. But once you actually get to…

The Original Beard Hat

I have this adorable little nephew who just can't wait to grow up to be "just like his dad," and…

How To Speak Zombie

Halloween is coming up, and if you're thinking about dressing up as a zombie this year, then you definitely need…

Money Toilet Paper

If you think that your toilet is your own personal throne and that nothing substandard should ever touch your bottom,…

Maxi Pad Sticky Notes

If you're a guy and you happen to be clutching a pad of these Maxi Pad Sticky Notes, then I'm…

Two-Way Trick Squirt Camera

So the Two-Way Trick Squirt Camera isn't a very realistic looking camera, so once you've positioned your would-be victims, I…

Geeky Tyvek Wallets

Tired of carrying all your cash in boring old leather wallets? Then ditch those for these Geeky Tyvek Wallets that…

I’m a Man Beard

Beards have been known to change people completely. Look at how that bushy beard transformed Joaquin Phoenix into a major punk when he was…

LED Blood Drip Candles

If you're planning on making this Halloween a bloody affair, here are some LED Blood Drip Candles that just ooze with wickedness.…

Fry Guys T-Shirt

For those who don't foster feelings of hatred towards the golden double arches after viewing the film Super Size Me, feast your eyes on this Fry…

F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers

In class, there are times when geeks have extra bonus points saved up so that once in a while they…

Radio Controlled Rat

One thing that will almost automatically freak most women out (me included) are rats. The only thing freakier is a…

4:20 Smiley Face Clock Necklace

Fans of the Little Happy Doobie Candles might appreciate this novelty necklace.  The 4:20 Smiley Face Clock Necklace doesn’t tell time…

Glow in the Dark Toilet Paper

We've seen a lot of quirky toilet papers lately. There was the Alien Toilet Paper which is enough to give…

Beer and Pretzel Slippers

Beer with pretzels - a winning combo that yields warm and fuzzy feelings. This perfect pairing has its own stint…

Zombie Hand Peel ‘N Place Toilet Topper

Halloween is right around the corner; and it's time to set up some creepy house decorations and prepare some ghoul-y…

Shakespearean Insult Gum

Now here's some gum served up with a twist. Have you ever had the urge to throw an insult or…

All Purpose Greeting Cards

Greeting cards used to be all generic and boring, but I like how some people are reinventing cards and adding…