Gnarly Teeth Fake Dentures

Here are some awesome fake dentures that will make you look like a dweeb, a vampire, an old man, a supermodel, and all sorts of creepy. The Gnarly Teeth Fake Dentures will transform your plain and normal look to something that still looks like you, but well, only a whole lot worse.

This would be perfect for costume parties and for Halloween when you don’t really want to dress up and do a complete makeover, but instead would like to go as a lesser attractive version of yourself. (This doesn’t really sound like something I would want to do, but for costume’s sake I will.)

Gnarly Teeth Fake Dentures

  • You get 9 sets of fake teeth for kids
  • as seen on the tv show Outsourced

You can get all 9 of these fake dentures in the Gnarly Teeth Fake Dentures set from for $5.75.

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