Harry Potter

Black Milk Harry Potter Hogwarts Collection

Your wardrobe is about to have some serious magic worked on it with the Black Milk Harry Potter Hogwarts Collection,…

Removie Movie Posters

Have you ever wondered about how important individual letters are? Removie Movie Posters reveal how drastically different some well-known films…

Dark Lord Happy Hour T-Shirt

Even the most feared villains in the universe need to take time and chill out every now and then, which…

British at Heart T-Shirt

Sometimes I wish I lived in the UK because our friends on the other side of the pond have created…

Harry Potter Complete Filmmaking Journey

If you're a fan of Harry Potter, you'll want to raid your savings at Gringotts to get Harry Potter Complete…

Harry Potter Cloak of Invisibility

Aside from having a powerful and evil wizard after him that wanted him dead, Harry Potter has led a pretty…

Harry Potter House Ties

Those attending Hogwarts belong to one of the houses and have ties to match. Choose your house and get one…

Harry Potter Pet Plush Set

Muggles like to have pets, so why should wizards be any different? If you attend Hogwarts, chances are that you…

Harry Potter Monster Book of Monsters Plush

Scary stories are one thing, but when the monsters actually come out of the book, that's taking things to a…

The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

Whether you wave your magic wand for the good of Gryffindor or feed off the evil of Lord Voldemort, food always has a…

Harry Potter Triwizard Tournament Shirt

Harry Potter fans will already feel like they have won the Triwizard tournament when they get this Harry Potter Triwizard…

Harry Potter Gryffindor House Beanie Hat

I'm no wizard myself, but I imagine that it must get awfully cold in the halls of Hogwarts school. If…

Harry Potter Cauldron Votive Candle Holder

Hey, who turned the lights off? If I were Harry Potter, I could just cast a spell and just like…

Harry Potter Pencil Set

I've been following the Harry Potter series ever since I laid my hands on that first book in the bookstore…

Harry Potter Tom Riddle Blank Diary

Your name isn't Tom Marvolo Riddle, but you can get your hands on a diary that was meant to be…

Harry Potter Complete Journey Deluxe Scene It? Game

Do you pride yourself as a Harry Potter trivia buff? Do you ever think of yourself as the Number One…

Harry Potter Gringotts Bank Coin Collection

Harry Potter fans can now spend their muggle money to get this Harry Potter Gringotts Bank Coin Collection and spend…

Lord Voldemort Room Alarm

Are you tired of serial trespassers infringing upon your territory? Send them a clear message straight from the mouth of…

Magic Levitation Wand

As adults, we eventually realize that magic is only a figment of imagination. But kids like to dream and to…

Harry Potter Gryffindor Sword Letter Opener

  I don't know how you open your mail, but if you belong to house Gryffindor, you would use this…