Magic Levitation Wand

As adults, we eventually realize that magic is only a figment of imagination. But kids like to dream and to fuel their imagination (but make sure to still keep them grounded), you can award them with this Magic Levitation Wand. This blue wand will be able to turn that famous Harry Potter levitation charm into a reality.

This will only work with one of the five flying objects included in the set, though. But it’s still a pretty cool thing to be able to actually make things levitate, right?

If your kids still aren’t over the Harry Potter craze, then tell them to point this wand at the shaped metal objects while uttering the spell, “Wingardium leviosa.” Cool, right?

Magic Levitation Wand

This battery powered wand features a mini Van de Graaff generator inside. Push a button on the handle and the static charge built up in the wand causes the included 3D mylar shapes to levitate at your command. You can also do some cool tricks causing the shapes to jump back and forth from your hand to the wand. Not quite Harry Potter… but hey, we do our best for you.

  • Wand with built-in battery powered Van de Graaff generator allows you to control and levitate the included mylar shapes
  • Three mylar shapes are included in the box
  • Make the shapes jump back and forth between your hand and the wand
  • Charge your body and levitate the shapes with your hand
  • Requires 2 AA batteries (not included)

The is Magic Levitation Wand available from ThinkGeek for $19.99.

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