Hammacher Schlemmer

VHS To DVD Converter

Looking at your DVD player and wondering how you'll ever get it to play your huge collection of VHS tapes?…

iPad Adjustable Floor Stand

There's no doubt that an iPad is lighter than a desktop or laptop computer but that little thing still seems…

Wake-To-Light iPhone Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks are a sad fact of life but there's no reason to make waking up a nerve-jarring, heart-attack-inducing experience.…

Barbecue Dining Boat

Nothing says summer like barbecue cook-outs and taking it easy on the river in a boat, but starting a fire…

Sandless Beach Tote

They say sand gets everywhere but that conventional wisdom is so much mud when it comes to the Sandless Beach…

Electric Skates

Skates have taken most of the work out of walking, and now the next evolution of locomotion has arrived because…

Suntracking Beach Chair

As nice as the dog days of summer are, it's still hard to swap the comforts of a La-Z-Boy recliner for…

Inflatable Windsurfer and Sailboat

Love taking control of the wind and cutting through the waves, but don't have a truck or van that can…

Aroma and Sound Therapy Alarm Clock

Looking for a gentle way to wake up? This Aroma and Sound Therapy Alarm Clock might be just for you.…

Motorized Monocycle

In MIB3, a young Agent K asks Agent J if they have these things in the future, but I want…

Inflatable Backyard Log Flume

Remember when log flumes were actually used for work? Me neither, and the Inflatable Backyard Log Flume does a great…

Bicycle Rearview Camera

If looking backwards while riding your bike has nearly caused you to lose your life on many occasions, it's time…

Weather Resistant 46-Inch Outdoor HDTV

Who says enjoying the great outdoors means boycotting TV? Set up your 46-Inch Outdoor HDTV in the backyard and get…

The Dog Dung Vacuum

Dog owners love their dogs so much that they're willing to put up with their excrement. While the Va-Poo-Rizer hasn't…

Flying Hovercraft

Forget cars, boats, and horse-drawn carriages. The Flying Hovercraft lets you conquer land, sea, and air without ever having to…

Luminox 3001 Navy SEAL Dive Watch

One year ago Osama Bin Laden was disposed of by U.S. Navy SEALs from SEAL Team 6. (Check out those…

Motorized Stunt Kite

It's a bird, it's a plane...no, it's a kite. And not just any kite - the Motorized Stunt Kite is the Super…

Hawaiian Shirt for Dogs

Most of the time, we feel sorry for dogs that are forced to wear degrading costumes. The Hot Diggity Dog Ketchup and…

Inflatable Walk On Water Inflatable

Have you've ever wanted to walk on water after seeing that scene in Ever After (starring Drew Barrymore)? If so,…

Acoustic Immersion Pod

Most of us don't have luxury of having a dedicated theater room in our home that can be optimized for…