Flying Hovercraft

Forget cars, boats, and horse-drawn carriages. The Flying Hovercraft lets you conquer land, sea, and air without ever having to switch vehicles.

You might have seen the Personal Hovercraft, which was all kinds of cool, but this new ride puts adds a whole new level of excitement by adding a pair of wings. The hovercraft can glide over both land and water with a 130-hp twin-cylinder, liquid-cooled gasoline engine that’s turbocharged and fuel-injected, and the 60″ wood/carbon composite thrust propeller makes sure you have plenty of power to keep you moving, along with the 1,100-rpm 34″ lift fan that inflates the durable vinyl-coated nylon skirt that keeps you hovering above the ground. However, it’s the wings and horizontal elevator that let you leave the surface completely, providing the ability to hop up to 20-feet high over land-based and water-based objects.

You’re in the captain’s seat, controlling this bit of gravity-defying awesomesauce with a joystick that controls three vertical rudders and the elevator, a twist friction-lock throttle that controls forward speed, and a variable drive system that controls the lift fan for hovering. Not that you’ll be in any hurry to put a stop to the fun but the hovercraft will rest on Kevlar composite landing skids when it’s finally time to power down for the day. The two nine-gallon gas tanks provide a 160-mile range so running low on fuel won’t be the reason festivities have to end… but your wife tapping her foot and glancing at her watch might be a sign that the hover-fun needs to continue some other time.

Flying Hovercraft

  • Supports pilot/passenger payloads up to 600 lbs. for flight.
  • Requires registration as a boat.
  • Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply.
  • 19′ L x 7’8″ W x 6’6″. (1,100 lbs.)

Grab that checkbook, ignore the account balance (and your wife’s evil eye), and get the Flying Hovercraft for only $190,000 from Hammacher Schlemmer. Hey! We can dream, can’t we?

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