
Instant Excuse Ball

There's this girl I knew back in high school who was, in my opinion, the best liar I'd ever met.…

Giant Scissors

There's just something about huge versions of normal, every day things that makes these objects all the more appealing. Take…

Toilet Mug

Now who was it that said that only dogs can drink out of the toilet? Now we humans can drink…

Sexy Shower Curtain

Is the Periodic Table Shower Curtain too geeky for you? Do you think that the Shadow of the Duck Shower…

Emergency Yodel Button

In times of great stress, some people cry or throw tantrums. Others may crack under pressure or simply just give…

Uh-Oh Emergency Underpants

Do you have a bladder or poop-control problem? It happens more often than you think. In fact, I know a…

Want/Need Glass

The world that we live in today is filled with people living the "want" culture. The things we "need" today…