
Emergency Inflatable Brain

Oh, that's what the teachers meant when they said, "Put on your thinking caps." The Emergency Inflatable Brain can be worn during…

The Hungover Cookbook

It happens to the best of us. You forget your liquor threshold one evening only to wake up with a…

Tilt Board Game

If you have any plans of flying solo (literally, that is), then you might want to equip yourself with the…

Chess 4 Game

Chess has been a board game that's been around for a long time. And since people are always looking to…

Affirmation Ball

Are you having one of those days where nothing seems to be going right? They usually start off with you…

You To Do Wall Chart

It would suck to lie on your deathbed one day and look back at the life that you've lived with…

Morphology Board Game

Get your creative juices flowing with the Morphology Board Game. I personally think it's one of the coolest games to…

Wall Street Guru Ball

The stock market is one of those things that I've always wanted to try investing in, but haven't gotten around…

Air Hover Soccer Disc

Soccer isn't just for the outdoors anymore, not when you've got the Air Hover Soccer Disc. So you won't be…

Glow Threads T-Shirts

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to enjoy your next party? The Glow Threads T-Shirts are the…

Periodic Table of Imaginary Elements Poster

Being a Chemical Engineering major, you can imagine how many Chemistry courses I had over the course of my college…

Marbled Bacon Soap

We've seen bacon soap before on GeekAlerts, but the Marbled Bacon Soap takes a less radical approach to appealing to…

FishEyes Rod & Reel With Underwater Video Camera

Are you looking for a gift that is educational, entertaining, and will get kids outdoors and using their imaginations? The…

Boxing Glove Pillow Cases

I don't think it's a very good idea to introduce young kids (especially boys) to the world of boxing or…

ZombiKeys – Key Covers

If you want to give your keys some zombie personality and possibly keep touchy fingers away from them, get the…

Ride-On Mercedes Roadster

There are so many ride-on vehicles for kids to have. You've probably seen the Jeep Wrangler, Cadillac Escalade, and Chevy Corvette…

Discover Karaoke

Although I can't really carry a tune to save my life, singing is still one of the things that I…

LEGO Stationery Desk Carousel

Did you hear about that 8-ft. Lego Man statue that washed up on Florida's shore recently? It's very mysterious, since neither…

Borrow My Pen? Fun Pen Set

Don't you just hate it when someone borrows your pen and "forgets" to return it afterward? While some people really…

4-in-1 Rotational Game Table

So you can't decide between buying the foosball table or the pool table, but there's definitely not room for both. Or is…