
Darth Vader Car Cigarette Lighter

If you smoke in your car or just want the head of the Lord of the Sith with you, then…

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake Pan

What do you do when you have a bad snack attack? You run over to Magnolia Bakery, order a baker's dozen, sneak…

Gummy Fetus

Remember those crazy Fetus Cookie Cutters posted on GeekAlerts last year? Whether you found them cute or creepy, these Gummy…

Full Plastinated Human Body

Let's say you're a medical school professor dedicated to studying and teaching about the human body. Then this Plastinated Human…

Zombie Mount Rushmore Letter and Key Holder

It's really useful to have a place to keep your keys and mail so that things don't get lost or…

Double Barrel Marshmallow Shooter

Marshmallows are great for toasting on a campfire. They are even better as ammunition in a gun. It makes for…

Emperor 200 Luxury Computer Workstation

With a stunning design that resembles a scorpion's tail, the Emperor 200 Luxury Computer Workstation epitomizes extravagance and has the…

Glow in the Dark Zombie Mug

Most coffee drinkers feel like Zombies before they have that first hot cup of coffee in the morning, and others…

Exotic Meat: African Lion, Python, Crocodile, Black Bear

I've heard of being so hungry you can eat a horse, but have you ever been so hungry you can…

Nightmare Before Easter Basket

The Easter Bunny will soon be hopping our way, and he’s bringing the Nightmare Before Easter Basket with him to…

You Had Me At Bacon T-Shirt

We love Bacon and we love memes (and we love references to Tom Cruise movies??), so we love this You…

Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie

Here's a hoodie fit for a mage, wizard or whatever Gandalf is calling himself these days. If you are going…

Minecraft Marshmallow Creeps

Everyone loves to get  Peeps in their Easter basket, whether in bunny form or chicks. Now get ready for some…

Converse Chuck Taylor Hi Top Dr. Seuss Shoes

You don't have to be a hipster to appreciate these Converse Chuck Taylor Hi Top Dr. Seuss Cat In The…

Nintendo NES Controller Bra

For all you guys out there that know nothing about ladies and a whole lot about pushing buttons, here's your…

Bacon Hot Sauce

Bacon is good. Hot sauce is good. Bacon Hot Sauce just might blow your mind. Add Bacon Hot Sauce whenever…

Z-SAT Zombie Survival Aptitude Test

If you have kids in grade school and you like to keep up on current affairs in the US, then…

Doctor Who TARDIS Flip Top Pedal Trash Bin

If only trash cans were larger on the inside than the outside, we wouldn't have to take out the trash…

Peeps Bunnies Plush Pack

Peeps. You either love them or hate them. Either way they are an important part of any Easter basket. And…

Gamer Food Caffeinated Energy Snacks

Any gamer knows that when you are in the midst of a massive gaming session, you need snacks. Fuel for…