Canned Meat

Edible Bugs Gift Pack

Some people have strange tastes; and there's nothing stranger than eating bugs. If you know someone with an appetite for…

Canned Dragon Meat

It's not easy hunting Dragons. Probably because they fly and breathe fire and can stomp you into the ground. Therefore,…

Canned Mopane Worms

Whether you're preparing for the forthcoming Zombie Apocalypse or just like to try exotic foods, things like the Tactical Canned…

Reindeer Pâté

As a kid I often wondered if Rudolph, Dancer, Dasher and the rest of the crew aged or they just…

Tactical Canned Bacon

OK, I'm going to admit it.  GeekAlerts has a bacon problem. Bacon Perfume, Bacon Bandages, Bacon Wallet, etc.  But!  When…

Canned Unicorn Meat

Where did all the Unicorns go?  The mythical creature we always here about but never see.  I'll tell you where…