
Real Bullet Bracelet

Got a tough personality? Then don equally tough accessories that are just full of attitude. Nothing screams "tough girl" (or…

Building Block Bracelet

Times are tough for everybody and sometimes it really is the "thought that counts" and not how much money you…

Bad Attitude Wristbands

By now, I'm sure you've seen just about everyone you know wearing at least one wristband. They started off as…

SlapLit LED Slap Wrap Bracelet

Is it a fashion accessory? Is it a safety bracelet? If you want something that transcends definitions and crosses borders…

The Office Support The Rabid Bracelet

You have probably seen people wearing the yellow Livestrong Lance Armstrong Foundation bracelets and the pink Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets;…

Halloween Town Disney Bands Elastic Bracelets

These Halloween Town Disney Bands Elastic Bracelets were created especially for Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort, but now…

SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet

Do you have an outdoorsman in your family or someone that always likes to be prepared for anything? The SurvivalStraps…

Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet with Watch

First we had this simple vibrating Bluetooth bracelet, then came the updated version with LCD display, and now they've managed…

Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet with LCD Display

Some of you might remember the vibrating bluetooth bracelet that we covered here at GeekAlerts some year ago. A new…

Lisco USB Snake – Wearable Computer Accessory

Lisco, created by the Finnish designer Laurent Hongisto, is a USB cable that you can wear in a fashionable manner,…

PC Bracelet

The INFO Live bracelet concept is one of the entries for the Next-Gen PC Design competition. The touch-controlled device acts…

Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelet

The vibrating Bluetooth bracelet from LM Technologies is a "revolutionary product that gives the user discreet and increased awareness of…

Video Game ID Bracelets

Shawn, who was featured in this previous post, has now added some new beautiful retro video game jewelry to his…

New Pac-Man & Space Invaders Items at Etsy

Everybody Pixel Party is the name of a new Etsy shop run by Chicago based artist Shawn. Right now there…