
LEGO Architecture: United Nations Headquarters

If you're a fan of the LEGO Architecture Landmark Series then you will want to get your hands on the…

LEGO Architecture Villa Savoye Review

GeekAlerts, like many of our fans, love LEGO building blocks. They allow people of all ages to express their creativity…

LEGO Architecture Villa Savoye

LEGO building blocks are fun for people of all ages; how could anyone outgrow LEGO Star Wars? But sometimes you…

LEGO Architecture Series Big Ben

Named after either Sir Benjamin Hall or Ben Caunt, Big Ben has stood at the northeastern corner of the Palace…

LEGO Sydney Opera House

One of the coolest examples of modern architecture on the planet is the Sydney Opera House and now you can…

LEGO Architecture – The White House

For those of you who've never managed to outgrow LEGOs, and who could blame you, there is a more sophisticated series called…

LEGO Architecture Fallingwater

We all love LEGOs and the simplicity behind the basic building concept, not to mention that they usually come in…