T-Rex Vs TARDIS T-Shirt

There have been plenty of dinosaurs on Doctor Who over the years but I don’t think any of them did the type of damage being inflicted on “Sexy” on the T-Rex Vs TARDIS T-Shirt.

If any other time traveler had a giant chunk ripped out of their time machine by a hungry Tyrannosaurus Rex, it would probably mean the traveler was destined to die millions of years before they were even born, but this isn’t a regular time traveler. We’re talking about the Doctor and his mighty TARDIS, one of the most powerful weapons in the universe.

Still, it looks like the Doctor will have plenty of repairs to take care of after this highly-detailed T-Rex tore the TARDIS in half.

The T-Rex Vs TARDIS T-Shirt is available for $24 at Design by Humans.

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