Star Wars Yoda Doormat

First impressions are always important especially on first dates, job interviews, or meeting the significant others parents. You need to make sure your cover everything and don’t forget to hide any small detail that will let them in on who you really are. This Star Wars Yoda Doormat may not help with job interviews, but it will definitely help you with the geeks or geekettes you invite over.

When they first walk up to your door, they will see that you a person that appreciates a good lightsaber battle and they will instantly know which side of the Force you are on….Yoda tends to be more welcoming than Darth Vader or the Emperor.

Made from 100% coconut fibers, these Star Wars doormats have a latex backing and can be personalized with custom text. Show your love for Yoda, Star Wars, and clean floors with a custom Star Wars Yoda Doormat from Broodr for only $45…Remain clean, floors will.

For other impressionable doormats, take a look at the Hello GoodBye Doormat and Manhole Doormat.

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