Star Wars Empire Salt & Pepper Shakers

Bring a taste of the original trilogy to your dinner table with the Star Wars Empire Salt & Pepper Shakers. Your spouse might have a thing about “clutter” and may not think you need all the Star Wars stuff that you want. However, you need salt & pepper shakers, so why not go with these awesome Stormtrooper and Darth Vader ceramic cruets? With a mainly white stormtrooper and an all black Darth Vader, it is easy to know which shaker is salt, and which is pepper.

Nothing complements a meal like the right wine, some gentle music and the subtle threat of galactic tyranny. Which is why we dress our table with Star Wars Empire Salt and Pepper Shakers.

Beautifully crafted and officially licensed, these glazed ceramic cruets make a great Star Wars gift for geeks or original trilogy fans. Simply turn them upside down to dispense salt or pepper – no fancy grinding needed. Just like they did it in ’77.

Order Star Wars Empire Salt & Pepper Shakers from Hot Topic, Amazon, or The Fowndry. Also check out other Star Wars salt and pepper shakers: Death Star, Droids, Lightsabers, Darth Vader & Stormtrooper, and R2-D2 & C-3PO.

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