Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, GeekAlerts first showed you the Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack. Since it is no longer available at those sites, we decided to show you where you could purchase it today. How else are you going to take advantage of all the cool Chewbacca gear we have shown lately (Star Wars 24 inch Deluxe Talking Chewbacca, the Star Wars Chewbacca Fur Hat, and the Star Wars Chewbacca Zipper Hoodie.)

This Chewbacca Plush Backpack measures 26″ x 10″ and has adjustable straps so he can fit on almost anyone’s back. Don’t fill up the backpack with too much stuff, because Chewy might look like he had too much to eat for lunch or dinner. This plush backpack would make a fun and furry companion for your kids, to sort of give them an added incentive to go to school. Teens and adults can also use this backpack, since it is after all, a backpack. However, stay vigilant as the Dark Side grows strong in many and there is sure to be a few envious people out there.

Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack

This plush backpack features everyone’s favorite Wookiee, Chewbacca. It has a zip pouch in the back to stash your small stuff.

The Star Wars Chewbacca Plush Backpack is available from Amazon for $44.50 and at Hot Topic for $44.50.

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