Star Wars Boushh Laser-Engraved Art

The Star Wars Boushh Laser-Engraved Art proves that true love wears many faces, and that a princess doesn’t let a den filled with blood-thirsty murderers slow her down.

In the Star Wars Expanded Universe (now known as Legends), Boushh was an actual character, a bounty hunter who occasionally tracked down renegade Jedi during the Purge. Unfortunately, his greed got the better of him and he was… umm… forcefully retired. However, his reputation and uniform lived on, being worn by Princess Leia Organa to infiltrate the lair of Jabba the Hutt in an attempt to rescue Han Solo.

Whether you prefer the actual character or the princess in disguise, this 11.5″ x 11.5″ laser-engraved, glossy black acrylic artwork is a great addition to anyone’s Star Wars collection

The Star Wars Boushh Laser-Engraved Art is available for $85 at Joshua Buduch’s Big Cartel store.

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