Star Wars AT-AT Super Deformed Plush Vehicle

One of the coolest moments in The Empire Strikes Back is when the AT-ATs arrive on the scene. Star Wars fans have to have at least one version of this amazing walker in their collection. You could get yourself a 2 foot tall Star Wars Super Deluxe AT-AT if you want realism, or you could opt for this adorable Deformed Plush AT-AT, which gives you something to cuddle with at night.

Luke may have had to take a few of these bad boys down in the movie, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be cute and cuddly. If Imperial Walkers had been designed like this from the start, the Empire would have chilled a little. How can you do mean things when you have these guys?

If you like the idea of making the Empire’s machines a little less threatening, you can pre-order this now from Entertainment Earth for just $12.99.

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