Star Trek Book of Opposites

Geek parents can’t help but pass their cultured wisdom onto their younglings. Sesame Street does a fine job of teaching kids about opposites, but what about Star Trek? With the Star Trek Book of Opposites book, your budding scholar will have a much clearer understanding of the yins and yangs of life. Meanwhile, you get to have fun reliving your childhood.

EXPLORE STRANGE NEW WORDS! With the help of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and two dozen colorful pictures from across the galaxy, teach your children the meaning of big and little, hot and cold, apart and together, and much more!

This 24-page book will entertain both adults and children alike. Dramatic photos were plucked right from the television series to help kids learn and explore the world of Star Trek, set in outer space and inside the USS Enterprise. One of the pages shows Kirk, Spock and McCoy in a serious pose with the word “appear” underneath them in large print. The next page shows the trio in the same spot, same stance, but in translucent teleport mode. Of course, at the bottom of this page you see the word “disappear” in large print. I really couldn’t imagine a better scenario to explain the contrast.

There’s even a funny page depicting “angry” as Spock grabs Kirk by the neck in a fierce choke hold. This one’s priceless, though it could backfire in the violence department. Compared to a lot of stuff we see these days, I guess it ranks as mild.

Starting from $5.95, the Star Trek Book of Opposites by David Borgenicht can be purchased through

Star Trek wisdom also translates to culinary delicacies when you consult the Star Trek Cookbook.

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