Skelly Bones

Halloween is right around the corner and this Skelly Bones game will be perfect for party goers of all ages.  Based on Jenga, this pile of bones adds a fun and scary twist to the normal game.  Now the object is to keep the skeletons head on top while you try to remove as many bones as possible.  Adults usually find ways to turn these types of games into drinking games and I see the same thing happening this Halloween, but younger kids can still enjoy the added fun of this skelly bones game if they manage to get it away from their older siblings.

Skelly Bones

Just like Scooby Doo, Casper and the Munsters, Skelly Bones isn’t particularly scary, but the bones and skull give proceedings a suitably ghoulish atmosphere. Better still, it’s guaranteed to generate plenty of whoops, yelps, ooohs and aarghs. No bones about it!

You can purchase the Skelly Bones game at Firebox for £18.99 with free delivery.  These other games might be fun on Halloween also: Nightmare Before Christmas Operation, Nightmare Before Christmas Monopoly and Nightmare Before Christmas Trivial Pursuit.

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