Siberia Official Trailer (2018)

If you like Keanu Reeves, you’re going to want to check out the Siberia Official Trailer (2018). The mnovie has a slight John Wick origin vibe, plus it takes place in Russia. Sounds like a win / win.

Written by Stephen Hamel and Scott B. Smith, Siberia stars Keanu Reeves as Lucas Hill – an American diamond trader that travels to Russia and falls into a dangerous love affair. The film is set for a limited release on July 13, 2018 and costars: Molly Ringwald as Gabby, Ana Ularu as Katya, Pasha D. Lychnikoff as Boris Volkov, and Aleks Paunovic as Yefrem.

This is a problem I assume? One of many…

An American diamond merchant travels to Russia to sell rare blue diamonds of questionable origin. As the deal begins to collapse he falls into an obsessive relationship with a Russian cafe owner in a small Siberian town. As their passion builds, so does the treacherous world of the diamond trade from which he is unable to extricate himself. Both collide as the American man desperately looks for escape in a world with no exit.

Here is the Siberia (2018) theatrical poster:

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