Sexy Stackers Game

We’ve brought you Donkey Kong Collector’s Edition Jenga and the Nightmare Before Christmas Collector’s Edition Jenga. Though Mario scaling the tower to save Pauline from DK is sweet, and Jack Skelly’s love affair with Sally is hard to beat, the said Jenga games are definitely clean games the whole family can play. But here’s the Sexy Stackers Game.

It differs from Jenga in that it’s meant to be played behind closed doors, shutters and drapes. It’s probably meant for two players only, but it’s up to you. Don’t be surprised if knickers start flying towards the game’s end. This is the game to choose to make your February a little friskier.

Put some passion in your play with our sexy stackers game. Your partner will love where the rest of the game will take you. Take turns removing one block at a time from the tower and carefully place it on top. When you draw a block with a racy action message on it, you must perform the action on your partner before the game resumes. Examples include: “Take off a piece of clothing.” and “Blindfold your partner and caress a part of their body.” The game ends (and bedroom fun begins) when the tower topples. The winner is the last person to stack a block without the tower falling. Exclusively from RedEnvelope.

  • game includes 48 blocks, loading tray and box
  • 16 blocks are printed with action messages
  • 3 ½” x 3 ½” x 10”H

Sexy Stackers follows the general convention of Jenga, but here’s the twist: 16 blocks have curious suggestions written on them. Whoever picks the block with fine print must basically do what it says. It’s set up like a dare. One block says, “Give your partner a passionate kiss on the lips.” The final loser is the one who makes the tower fall, but if you think about it, there really are no losers.

The blocks are painted in beautiful shades of reds and pinks, and the red box is so fabulous and decorative that you need not gift wrap it. The Sexy Stackers Game is exclusively available through Red Envelope at the price of $29.95.

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