Pop-Up Pirate USB Hub

The International Talk Like A Pirate Day took place about a month ago, but that doesn’t stop Firebox from releasing this pop-up pirate game combined with a 4-port USB hub.

You heard right – finally these two incredible agents of change meet in a blaze of glory: on one side, you’ve got the four-way USB hub, allowing you to control several devices from your computer at once. On the other, you’ve got a miniature version of Pop-Up Pirate, the devilishly tense game of chance and surprise.

Just click a little switch under the pirate’s barrel and pop the miniature marauder into the top. You’ll hear a jolly jingle to tell you that the seadog shenanigans can begin. Each player then takes a coloured cutlass and pokes it into the barrel. When someone finally pokes the pirate in the posterior, he’ll leap in the air like he’s just tasted the cat o’ nine tails!

Each time you play, the position of the triggering cutlass hole changes, so you’ll never know just when the cursed corsair will fly into the rigging – and with four colours of cutlass to share with four other players, it’ll be anyone’s guess who’s next to dish out some harsh naval justice.

The Pop-Up Pirate USB Hub is your for £29.95 (about $47 USD).

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