Plug Mug

In our lounge at the office, most of us leave our mugs at the rack near the coffee maker to decrease the amount of styrofoam cups that we use for our coffee breaks. Much to my annoyance, there have been several occasions where I noticed that my mug had been used and left at the sink, unwashed. My solution? I got the Plug Mug.

The Plug Mug isn’t just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill coffee mug. Near the bottom of the mug is a hole, which you can plug up with the included plug. So when you’re not using your mug, just leave it without the plug at the counter and no one will use it (because really, they can’t use it all.) And when you’re on your break, just fish the plug from your bag or keychain, and plug it into your mug.

Plug Mug

Sometimes it starts as an innocent mistake, shall we say a case of mistaken identity. You go to make your morning coffee, and your beloved mug is not where it should be. The following week you go to the kitchen and your mug is lying abandoned in the sink with green tea stains all over it – and you don’t drink green tea! Before you know it, your mug has been round the office more times that the mail trolley. That’s the problem, so how do you fix it?

These are all worthy ideas, but we appreciate that you don’t have that kind of time on your hands (nor want mugs stuck to your hands!). So enter the Plug Mug. A mug, with a hole in it, which renders it completely useless to mug thieves.

The Plug Mug is available from from $11.99.

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