Pi By Numbers T-Shirt

At GeekAlerts we’re real geeks, so we celebrate all the nerdy holidays like Pi Day.  Today, being March 14 (i.e. 3.14), is of course Pi Day 2013.  I’m pretty sure this means that you get to pinch (or punch?) anyone not wearing anything Pi.  If you’re wearing this cool Pi By Numbers T-Shirt, you’re definitely in the clear.  Not only does it have a large Pi symbol (i.e. the Greek letter π), the symbol is made out of the first 4493 digits of Pi.  That’s a lot of Pi!

Metro blue 100% cotton heavyweight t-shirt with the Pi symbol on it. The first 4493 digits of Pi were used to construct the Pi symbol itself. That’s a whole lot of Pi. Enough for everybody to share so don’t get greedy on us now. A big shout out from ThinkGeek goes to Archimedes way back in the B.C. for finally giving us a good approximation of Pi, and doing so without the benefit of modern trigonometry. And thanks to the Egyptians and Babylonians for trying.

Pi By Numbers T-Shirts cost $17.99 at ThinkGeek.  (XL costs $1 more and XXL costs $2 more.)

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