Pentaminoes 3D Puzzle Cubes

Just when you thought you finally got rid of the Tetris song in your head and haunting images of Tetris pieces descending from your subconscious, they went and made the 3D Puzzle Game of Pentaminoes.

Pentominoes 3D Puzzle Cubes

  • Twelve 3D pieces form hundreds of combinations, sharpening basic geometry and problem-solving skills.
  • Guide includes over 50 puzzles, with 3 levels of skill.
  • An updated, 3D version of the classic puzzle loved by many – including Arthur C. Clarke!
  • Ages: 8 and up.
  • Includes: 12 Pentominoes pieces and a 23 page guide booklet.
  • Single Cube Dimensions: 0.75″ cubed (and do the math to figure out the dimensions of each piece).

Pentaminoes are to be manually constructed into 50+ different puzzles. Apparently, they’re supposed to strengthen your brain’s mathematical muscles. (Not to say that those big mathematical guns aren’t firing away at all times.)

Since a game of dominoes involves some math skills, that’s probably where Pentaminoes inherits half its name. The ‘pent’ part must come from all the pent-up excitement you experience while solving each puzzle, or while reading the 23-page manual. Hmm.  Once you’ve conquered Pentaminoes, the set can be displayed as colorful 3D sculpture art, looking sharp next to your Rubik’s Cube.

The set of Pentaminoes is $16.99 at ThinkGeek.  For more hands-on 3D games, you might enjoy these mind-picking products: Perplexus, its close 2nd cousin Addictaball, and the 360 Degree Brain Training Pyramid. And for Tetris lovers, we have bright Tetris Sticky Notes and Giant Tetris Wall Graphics.

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