Otamatone Electronic Instrument

The best toys are those that give more than just a few hours of fun to your kids. They’re the ones that will actually impart some sort of lesson or develop some sort of skill in your child. Once such toy is the Otamatone Electronic Instrument.

This will make the perfect toy for you or your child, especially if she or he happens to be into music or exceptionally musically inclined. It’s simple to operate and features an adorable design that I’m sure will attract your kids to it. It’s shaped like a musical note and comes in two classic colors: black and white.

Otamatone Electronic Instrument

Ok, so in theory, playing the Otamatone Electronic Instrument is unbelievably easy. You place your finger on the stem to select the pitch. To get vibrato (or any sort of wah-wah effects), you just squeeze the note’s rubber cheeks repeatedly. This will open and close the little dude’s mouth. Now, we did say easy in theory. That’s because the strip on the stem has no pitch labels or frets, so you really have to have a good ear. That said, you can easily just slide between notes, both for ease of playing and for even more musical effect. The Otamatone Electronic Instrument is wacky, adorable, distinctive, and can be a great instrument for some unique electronic performances.

  • Straight from Japan!
  • Slide your finger up and down the stem to change the pitch. Squeeze the cheeks for vibrato.
  • Three pitch levels and two volume levels.
  • Note Span: 1 octave plus a diminished 5th per pitch level.
  • Batteries: 3 AAA (not included).
  • Dimensions: approx 2.75″ x 2.75″ x 10.75″

The Otamatone Electronic Instrument is available from ThinkGeek for $34.99.

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