OK to Wake! Children’s Alarm Clock

As grown adults, it’s hard to ease into the whole spring-forward, waking up an hour earlier routine. When you add kids to the equation, things get even more complicated. Some munchkins rise and shine at the crack of dawn no matter what time it is, often forcing you to rise with them against your will. Now is a good time to train them once and for all to stay in bed until the OK to Wake! Children’s Alarm Clock says it’s officially time to wake up.

New rule: no waking up before 6:00 am. With this alarm clock, kids will think that they’re getting a new toy by having their own, brand-new alarm clock. Little do they know that it’s just a ploy to buy parents a little (or maybe a lot) more extra sleep. Go ahead and elaborate on what could happen if the clock should see them out of bed before it turns green.

The clock is extremely cute as a green bug or pink flower. Since both face plates come with the clock, it’s almost like having two different clocks. Then, there’s the cool color-changing feature. When the outer white part turns yellow or green, the colors act as a visual cue that could prove super handy when traveling and dealing with different time zones. We all sort of get mixed up during those quantum time leaps.

OK to Wake, glows a soft yellow in the evening and turns green in the morning at the time parent’s specify. Kids take pride in waiting for the green light before they come visit mom and dad with the knowledge of a job well-done. This ingenious product is a life-saver for sleep-deprived parents for whom every extra moment of sleep is a luxury. Kid-friendly shape, parent-friendly design. Cleverly concealed parental control panel provides access to clock settings and instructions. Comes with both green bug and pink flower face plates for a boy or a girl. Operates on 4 AA batteries (not included), no power adapter needed. Easy to set up and use.

  • OK to Wake, color changing night-light timer teaches children to stay in bed longer in the morning so parents get more sleep
  • Customizable: Parents set the OK to Wake, time and brightness
  • Separate “Nap Timer” allows for afternoon napping without disrupting usual alarm and night-light settings
  • Alarm clock with snooze function allows older kids to get up “on their own”
  • Fun “toe” buttons designed for kids invoke funny facial animations on the LCD

Amazon sells the OK to Wake! Children’s Alarm Clock for $29.95.

Anti-morning kids might prefer hurling the Mr. Bump Off the Wall Alarm Clock when the sun rises.

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