LEGO Champion Game

A lot of games are getting some pretty cool upgrades and tie-ins lately. There’s the World of Harry Potter Clue Game for one, and the Chocolate Fix game that uses really appetizing tokens. Now here’s another board game that’s out of the ordinary: the LEGO Champion Game.

Technically, the LEGO Champion Game is a mix between building stuff from LEGO pieces and challenging others in the process to make for a fun game overall. There are five challenges that players will encounter in order to move forward. And of course, since this is LEGO, you can more or less make up new challenges and mechanics as you go along–because it’s versatile and fun that way.

LEGO Champion Game

In LEGO Champion, you build a track as you race for the finish line. Each time a segment of track is added, a challenge occurs and the winner of that challenge moves ahead. There are five challenges in the basic game: On Target (throwing accuracy), Bluffing Bricks (bluffing), Topple Tower (reverse Jenga!), Codebreaker (code breaking), and Speedbuilder (speed construction). Extra challenge options in the rules book, and additional ones are being released online. This game is an excellent strategy game for kids and a fun party game for adults.

  • Build a track as you race to be the first to the finish line
  • Each time a track segment is added, a challenge occurs
  • The winner of the challenge moves ahead in the race

The LEGO Champion Game is available online from ThinkGeek for $34.99.

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