Her Universe Doctor Who Union Jack Cropped Cardigan

The Ninth Doctor would say the Her Universe Doctor Who Union Jack Cropped Cardigan is fantastic, while the Eleventh Doctor would probably say cropped cardigans are cool, which could be an interesting tongue twister if said fast enough.

It doesn’t matter who your favorite Doctor is because this 53% cotton/40% rayon/7% nylon, navy blue and white cardigan doesn’t care about things like that, especially since the Doctor is always changing anyway… oh, and because it’s a cardigan, and cardigans are notorious for not caring about much of anything except making their wearer look good.

With a tiny TARDIS-shaped Union Jack embroidered on the left chest being the only clue to your Whovian devotion, this is the perfect low-key way to show your love for the Doctor when wearing something a little more eye-catching (like the Doctor Who Varsity Jacket) just isn’t possible at the moment.

Available for $44.90 at Hot Topic.

Need more subtle Doctor Who style? Check out the Her Universe Doctor Who Trench Coat.

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