Giant Baby Jelly Mold

If you’ve got the right mold, you can shape Jell-O into just about anything; red hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds and purple…babies? That’s right. Now you can make a big Jell-O baby with the Giant Baby Jelly Mold.

Say you’re going to a baby shower, and the expectant mommy has a delightfully raw sense of humor. Imagine the laughs you’ll get when you show up with your homemade Jell-O babe. Betcha no one will remember the Diaper Genie but they’ll be talking about the giant edible baby made of Jell-O!


  • Make up your Jelly (approximately 2 packs of the standard Jelly we all know and love)
  • Pour the jelly into the mold and then pop it in the fridge to set
  • Once he’s ready turn him out onto a plate and marvel in the wobbleyness! (That’s totally a real word)


  • Mold – measures approximately 25.5cm(H) x 14.5cm(W) x 7.5cm(D)
  • Box – measures approximately 27cm(H) x 15cm(W) x 8.8cm(D)

The Giant Baby Jelly Mold is £8.99 or €10, $15 US at For more squishy, chewy and unusual GeekAlerts grub, check out our posts on Super Mario 3-Dees Gummy Candy, Gummy Army Guys, Yummy Dough and Magic Choc.

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