Game of Thrones Custom LEGO Minifigures

If you love Game of Thrones but are forever sad because the chances of LEGO dealing with all that blood and nudity are about as likely as discovering a real dragon in your neighborhood, you’ll be thrilled with the Game of Thrones: Custom LEGO Throne of Bricks Minifigures.

I’ll start things off by warning you that these figures are being produced in very limited numbers so I’ll understand if you just scroll down at this point to score these sweet collectibles for yourself. On the bright side, they’re being referred to as series 1, which could hint at other characters in the future.

The Throne of Bricks figures in series 1 include: Tyrion Lannister The Imp, Arya Stark Underfoot, Eddard Stark Warden of the North, Jon Snow The Bastard, and Daenerys Targaryen Mother of Dragons (along with a pet dragon).

While the figures are not LEGO products, they are made with 100% genuine LEGO parts.

The Game of Thrones Throne of Bricks Minifigures are available for $70 at miniBIG’s Etsy shop.

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