Film 2 SD Neg Scanner

I recently stumbled upon an old family photo album, which had a paper enveloped tucked inside that was stuffed with old film negatives. I thought of having most of it re-developed at the photo shop but after doing a final count on the number of shots I had (over two hundred), I changed my mind. I wanted a way to scan and view the images without just guessing what was on the film by holding it up against the light, which is why I was ecstatic when I heard about the Film 2 SD Neg Scanner.

The Film 2 SD Neg Scanner takes your slides and film negatives, scans them, and saves a high-quality image of what’s on the film. So instead of having the film developed, you can just scan it and print it of on photo paper with your regular printer. Cool, huh?

Film 2 SD Neg Scanner

Rediscover your long-lost 35mm slides and film negatives with the Film 2 SD. This high-quality scanner transfers your images directly onto an SD card so you can enjoy your old pictures with the latest technology. Thanks to Film 2 SD’s large, full-color LCD screen, you don’t even need a computer to make it work!

With all of your pictures on an SD card, you can view them on digital picture frames, televisions, mobile phones, computers, and other portable devices. Imagine all of your memories with you at home or anywhere you go!

The Film 2 SD Neg Scanner is available from Red5 for £99.95 ($158.)

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