Fake Poop Stress Toy

Stressed and faced with a lot of crap at the office? Then take it out on the crap itself through the Fake Poop Stress Toy. Your colleagues might probably think you’ve gone bonkers and lost all sense of hygiene when they see you squeezing the heck out of this thing, but hey, if it calms you down, then why not, right?

The Fake Poop Stress Toy is way right up there with the Poop Soap. I believe in some good old affirmation though, so it might not be a very good for your mojo if you keep bringing in crappy stuff and putting it all around you. But then again if it works for you, why not?

Fake Poop Stress Toy

The Fake Poop Stress Toy is the perfect stress toy for when you feel like s***. You can squeeze this ridiculously realistic foam poop toy when you’ve hit rock bottom. Just imagine what your co-workers will think when they see you squeezing poop.

For a fun office prank, place the Fake Poop Stress Toy in a common place around the office. Your co-workers will be checking their shoes after seeing poop on the floor. It’s time to have more fun at work with the Fake Poop Stress Toy.

The Fake Poop Stress Toy is available from Amazon for $1.99.

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