Emergency Mustaches

The Emergency Mustaches give you the extra facial hair needed for those dire situations that secret agents and everyday people alike face daily. Perhaps you’re riding a lamb, and need to hide from the police. “That’s not the saying.” Or, maybe you’re sitting next to an attractive female creature and need to appear manlier than you are. Regardless of your lifestyle, surely there is room for use of the Emergency Mustaches. They come “sealed for extra freshness,” and the package comes with six classic mustache styles for you to choose from.

Emergency Mustaches

Everyone is buying our Emergency Moustaches!  As we just proved above, these six, on-the-go moustaches make a perfect disguise!  So if you are trying to be someone other than yourself to hide from a person or avoid a situation, we highly recommend these furry bad boys!

You can get a set of six Emergency Mustaches for just $6.99 from Perpetual Kid, so head on over there if you’re eager to get this geeky product.  If you’d rather stay right here, snuggle up by the fire, and read about some more mustache-y things, check out the Mustache Soap Leaves and the Mustache Ice Cube Tray.

UPDATE February 2013: You can purchase the Emergency Moustaches at Amazon.com for under $8 and at IWOOT.com for £6.99.

Jack Kieffer owns Cool Gizmo Toys, a site that loves everything geeky.

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