Doody Head Game

If you’re up for a crappy game, then I suggest you get the Doody Head Game. I don’t mean it in the figurative sense, but in the sort of literal way because there’s actual doody involved in the game, although not the real ones.

So how does one play the Doody Head Game? Included in the set are two head caps and three coiled-up doodies. Players basically fling the doodies at each other with the goal of getting the most doodies stuck onto their head caps. When the doody lands right smack in the middle of the cap, the player scores a hundred points. When it’s a bit off to the side, the player gets fifty points. Now who’s up (or down) for a round of Doody?

Doody Head Game

Why should monkeys have all that doody slinging fun? Now with a friend or even a foe have some low brow (get it monkey) primitive yet hilarious game play. Simply place on your Doody Head Cap, aim then fling a coiled doo doo at your opponents Doody Head Cap. High score wins! You’re probably asking how does the doodies stick? Well my inquisitive friend it’s accomplished by the magic of Velcro. Crappy box contains 2 Doody Head Caps and 3 Coiled Up Doodies! Furthermore, for advanced players there are 3 different game suggestions.

The Doody Head Game is available from Baron Bob for $14.95.

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