Doctor Who: Who-ology

Did you know that William Hartnell was offered the role of Doctor Who on July 12, 1963? Can you name 40 different ways to destroy a Dalek? It all becomes common knowledge after reading Doctor Who: Who-ology, a collection of facts, figures, and survival guides that takes you from the junkyard on Totters Lane to the Doctor’s grave on Trenzalore.

You might live and breathe Doctor Who but there’s still a good chance this 352-page book will teach you something because it’s packed with Whovian goodness from cover to cover, offering insight, little-known details, and behind-the-scene information that span Doctor Who’s entire 50-year run on television. Some of the juicy tidbits you’ll learn include:

  • Marco Polo was the first historical figure depicted in Doctor Who
  • Location footage was used for the first time on August 15, 1964 in “The Reign of Terror.”
  • Peter Davison (the Fifth Doctor), at the age of 29, held the record for being the youngest actor to be cast as the Doctor until Matt Smith took the role in 2009

What? You haven’t gone to buy the book yet? Run, you silly boy, and get Doctor Who: Who-ology for $13.40 at, $13.66 at Barnes & Noble and £7.92 at

And remember… you can get a sneak peek at the first 50 pages by visiting and clicking ‘Read an extract.’

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