Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Draft Blocker

Getting a little chilly as that icy breeze slips under your door? It might not be living snow but you still want to stay warm so keep out the cold with the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Draft Blocker… or Draught Blocker as our UK friends like to say.

This 4.20-pound sonic screwdriver won’t fit in your pocket but it will fit most doors, and it would probably do double-duty as a nice, snuggly pillow during those times when there’s no draft to block. Admit it. You’re totally going to cuddle this thing when nobody’s looking.

You probably won’t get much use out of it this winter because it won’t be available until March 2014 but you can pre-order the Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Draft Blocker now for $44.99 at so you’ll be ready for next winter… and any other time you get the urge to cuddle an over-sized sonic screwdriver.

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