Doctor Who Red Desktop Patrol Dalek

I recently became aware that I was neglecting a certain segment of the Whovian population out there. We’ve seen everything from the Doctor Who Exclusive Third Doctor Sonic Screwdriver to the 11th Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Prop Replica and even a Doctor Who Levitating TARDIS because the Doctor just isn’t himself without his inter-dimensional phone-box… BUT, what good is a hero without a villain? For those who love the Doctor’s diabolical baddies, I introduce to you the Doctor Who Red Desktop Patrol Dalek.

Your desk at work, your kitchen table, even your floor will be completely protected from any treacherous doings with the Red Dalek on patrol… unless of course the Red Dalek is the one committing the treacherous doings. In that case… you’re on your own.

Since he’s only about 4-inches tall, he’s not as menacing as his bigger cousins but his eternal vigilance will make any intruder re-think trespassing on your turf. Built-in sensors allow the Dalek to detect the ground in front of it so it will never bump into any thing or take a dive off your desk, and it will strike fear in its enemies as it says “Exterminate” at each and every turn.

Celebrate Doctor Who by honoring the villains that help make him great with the Doctor Who Red Desktop Patrol Dalek for $35.99 from Entertainment Earth.

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