Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Spiral T-Shirt

The Doctor has worn many faces through the last 50 years, but the Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Spiral T-Shirt captures the visage of the man most commonly associated with the popular BBC television show.

Tom Baker portrayed the Doctor from 1974 to 1981, which is probably why he was the first Doctor for so many people, considering that seven years is plenty of time to grow a loyal fan base.

The shirt features Baker in an iconic pose, along with the Doctor Who logo that was used during his time on the show. The spiral background, combined with the unique style of the artwork, does a great job of capturing the retro fashion of the 70s and 80s.

Get comfortable in your super-long scarf, kick back and have a few jelly babies, and get the Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Spiral T-Shirt for $26.59 at RedBubble.cocm.

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