Discworld Ales

Terry Pratchett created a mesmerizing, mind-blowing series of books when he wrote Discworld, and the Discworld Ales will put you in the right frame of mind to hang with bumbling (but very lucky) wizard Rincewind and the rest of the denizens of the platter-shaped world that rests on the backs of elephants that stand on the back of a giant turtle.

Hey! If you ever find out that’s the same set-up that keeps our world from tumbling into the abyss, you’ll definitely need a few drinks so why not slake that thirst with a brew that was made in the Unseen University Boathouse Brewery.

Okay, maybe that’s not exactly where it was made but we don’t know that for sure so the possibility is there, and you have to admire the cool presentation gift box, even if Cohen the Barbarian doesn’t personally endorse the product. He might if he could be found but he was last sighted near The Luggage, and you know how that usually goes.

Featuring a robust Oatmeal Stout, a couple of IPAs, and a refreshing Golden Ale, The Discworld Ales are the perfect drink of choice of fans of Terry Pratchett and his wild-and-wacky Discworld. They’re available for $32.19 at Firebox.com.

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