Decorated Nerd T-Shirt

The life of a nerd can be hard sometimes because it’s not easy to display all that hard-won nerd knowledge that’s been acquired through sleepless nights of gaming and weekend binges of cult TV shows, but the Decorated Nerd T-Shirt makes showing off all those mad skills just a little bit easier.

No longer do you have to suffer with the anguish of no medals or patches existing to honor the talents of the humble nerd because this 100% cotton t-shirt lets you reveal your talents in various nerd-centric niches, including comic books, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Nintendo, and arcade games (remember those?). There’s even a nod to the real-world talent of computer repair… because there’s more to being a nerd than being able to recite Harrison Ford’s lines in the Star Wars films.

You can get the Decorated Nerd T-Shirt for $18.95 at SplitReason.

(via Fashionably Geek)

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