DC Universe Grim Stares T-Shirt

The DC Universe Grim Stares T-Shirt offers up a slightly disturbing look at some popular DC Comics characters as these familiar faces stare grimly at a world they seem less than thrilled about at the moment.

Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman don’t seem nearly as heroic when they have a creepy gleam in their eye, although Batman doesn’t look much more intimidating than he usually does since his eyes are usually hidden anyway.

On the other hand, Joker and Harley Quinn appear more maniacal than ever, with Harley actually looking more disturbed than the Clown Prince of Crime. Meanwhile, Catwoman seems to have a zombie-style look going on, which really doesn’t do wonders for her sex appeal.

The DC Universe Grim Stares T-Shirt is available for $21.99 at SuperHeroStuff.com.

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