DC Comics Bombshells Bumblebee Statue

The Might Bee of the Doom Patrol sounds like a movie, and the DC Comics Bombshells Bumblebee Statue is ready to cheer it on.

Karen Beecher’s Bumblebee isn’t exactly a heavy-hitter although she has fought the bad guys alongside both the Teen Titans and Doom Patrol. She also holds the honor of being DC Comics’ first African American female superhero.

Based on the art of Ant Lucia (Bee? Ant? It’s really going to the bugs around here), the 8 1/2-inch-tall Bombshell version of Bumblebee is ready to cheer her team to victory.

The DC Comics Bombshells Bumblebee Statue will be available November 2016 but it can be pre-ordered now for $99.99 at Entertainment Earth.

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