D Battery Secret Stash Box

Cash, contraband, secret data, and valuables—you either have them or you want to get them. If you’re lucky enough to be a HAVE, keep your stash safe from the HAVE-NOTS in this D Battery Secret Stash Box.

Hidden compartments in everyday objects is one of the best ways to hide things, just ask your friendly neighborhood ex-spy. However, some items like the Spy Bolt will be conspicuous in your office or bedroom. Yet things like a D Battery will blend in and go totally unnoticed. You can multiply the the effectiveness by putting it inside the battery compartment of an electronic device, where no one will every think to look for a battery that is filled with something valuable or secret.

Although a D cell battery isn’t very big, it is plenty big for some important stuff. The pictures suggest that it be used to store cash or pills (prescription medicine), yet there are a multitude of other possibilities. For example, you can hide a memory card in it that has all the secret spy pictures and videos you took with your Spy Camera.

Amazing D Battery Money and Rx Stash

This diversion safe looks virtually identical to a regular D size battery and can hold money or prescription drugs for emergency use. This battery stash can hold up to $1,000! A single bill fits perfectly in to the storage compartment so your money can stay safe and out of sight. No body would ever suspect the D Battery look alike conceals large amounts of money! Your money is now hidden. This battery safe goes a step further then any other can safe on the market because you can now hide the battery in any device that uses D batteries, meaning your stash is now completely hidden! Hide your cash and Rx drugs in the safe then place the safe in to a boom box stereo, Toys or any D battery operated device!

Order the D Battery Secret Stash Box for $4.50 at Amazon.com.

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