Cow For All Seasons

Little girls dress up Barbie dolls and small boys build their own action figures or think up all sorts of structures with their LEGO pieces. Adults don’t really have a lot of toys or figures geared for the age group, seeing that many actually outgrow the need to dress up some inanimate object to call their own. Just in case you haven’t though, then there’s the Cow For All Seasons for you.

This snazzy looking cow comes with various outfits that will match whatever season you’re in (which is obviously why it’s called the Cow For All Seasons). Display your cow proudly on your table to show others around the office that you do have a sense of humor. Dress it up in Santa’s threads when it’s Christmas time. Take out his themed clothing when it’s the Fourth of July or dress it up in its tunic with pumpkins all over when it’s Halloween.

Cow For All Seasons

Holidays are great and all but for most of us they just don’t live up to the hype surrounding them. Of course, that’s because not all of us have the Cow for all Seasons. This dynamic, superstar Cow has an outlandish outfit for every holiday and more. Simply alter her wardrobe and make the holidays so much better again. The highly detailed and painstakingly crafted outfits are enough to demand duplicate outfits for yourself and your family.

So get to work, the holidays are creeping up and this Cow’s not one to procrastinate. Everyone will be more fascinated with your Cow than all those silly things under the Christmas Tree.

Cow For All Seasons is available online from for $10.99.

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