
Moo Cheese Singles Pod

Sliced cheese is so essential for BBQ season that it deserves to be contained in a special box that looks…

Alien Abduction Lamp

Aliens are taking over the world, and they're starting with this miniature cow they found on your table. Their ship…

Cow For All Seasons

Little girls dress up Barbie dolls and small boys build their own action figures or think up all sorts of…

Emtec Animal Series USB Flash Drives

Loyal GeekAlerts readers know that USB flash drives come is all designs and shapes, from Angry Birds and Tron Light…

Fridgeezoo Refrigerator Fridge Friends

Add some fun to your refrigerator with Fridgeezoo Fridge Friends. They look like some of your favorite animals in the…

Talking Handheld Blender

Some of you might remember the Waterspout Mixing Cup that was posted here at GeekAlerts a couple of year ago.…

Illuminating Cow USB Hub

This cow inspired USB 2.0 compliant "moody" hub allows you to connect up to four of your favorite gadgets to…

Cow USB Hub

Here's a fun new USB 2.0 compliant 4-port hub for those of you who enjoyed the colorful USB cow speaker…

USB Cow Speaker

Fans of small animal inspired speakers, like these previous pig, penguin and sheep models, can now expand their audio gadget…